Thursday, 9 October 2014

Stop chasing clients and start attracting them

One of the most critical components of your Advisory Marketing plan is to stop chasing clients and start attracting them. 

Today, we will show you a simple 3 step strategy on how to do just that.
There are two types of consultants and advisers : attractors and chasers.
Attractors do things differently than chasers and as a result, have a boat load of ideal clients in their lead generation funnel. Not surprising, they almost always make more money than advisors who follow the chaser model.  Chasers spend the majority of their time on the hunt for new clients. They are often desperate for their next deal. Even though they spend the majority of their time chasing clients and attempting to close the deal, their closing rates are rarely better than their counter parts who use an attractor model.  The chaser business model is like a roller coaster business – going from feast to famine and back again to repeat the never ending cycle.

But don’t worry, these 3 simple steps will show you how to stop chasing clients and start attracting them.

Step #1: Become an Attractor-

To become an attractor, you need to create a business that attracts your ideal prospects and clients.  First, you need to find out what your ideal prospects and clients want, need, value and even fear.  Once you find out what your ideal client wants, you simply need to deliver it.  Chasers, on the other hand, are too busy selling or trying to sell that they don’t have the time to find out what their ideal clients want.  Chasers generally believe they do not have the time to find out what their clients and prospects want, need, value or fear-  nothing could be further from the truth.  If they knew just how valuable it is to find out what their clients and prospects want, they would find the time to start asking questions.

Step #2: Find the Answer-

One of the biggest insights shared by Socrates was to never assume or tell but to ask, ask, ask.  By asking your clients, prospects, centers of influence and reciprocal referral partners exactly what they want, you will know exactly what you need to do and offer to have a boat load of clients lined up wanting to do business with you.  The best news about asking anyone and everyone who has knowledge of your ideal client, is that they are almost always willing to help you out by answering a few questions.
Some great questions include:
What keeps you up at night?
What is your top objective?
What has to happen in 1, 3, 5 years for you to be ecstatic about your financial situation?
What do you love about your current advisor (if they have one)?
What would you like your advisor to do differently, if anything?
How do you want to be remembered?
Do you have a plan to ensure that will happen in your estate plan?
Before you begin asking questions, take some time to create a questionnaire that includes all the questions you need to know to best serve your ideal client.

Step #3: Deliver it-

Once you have interviewed the people tied to your ideal client, you need to create a plan to deliver it.  Your plan ideally includes the inner game, game plan and outer game.  From your 12 month plan, identify the to-dos from most important to least important.  Then determine who will complete each action.  If you do not have the staff to ensure you complete the plan, hire another part or full time employee who can assist you execute the plan.  The worst thing you can do is to start a plan and then stop it because you are too busy to execute it.  To ensure you follow through on your plan, you need to plan for contingencies and do the upfront work to make it a reality.
The best advice is to understand that our actions produce our results.  Consistent, right action produces consistent, right results just as inconsistent action produces inconsistent results. To ensure our actions are consistent, take the time to create a plan and do what is necessary to complete the plan to ensure you get the results you desire.

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